Best Psychology Books

Recommended Reading List

Looking for great books? On this page, you’ll find a personal selection of the best psychology books. A curated list of nonfiction books on relationships, trauma, and more. Also, the page includes notable articles, podcast episodes about mental health, and more.

For this reading List, I’ve rounded up the top psychology books that cover the subjects of depression, anxiety, addiction, telling secrets, trauma, self-love, relationships, and more. From understanding trauma to recognizing the symptoms within ourselves and others, and finding ways to heal. Therefore, the recommended books provide insights – the vehicle of transformation – into the most important subject of all: understanding people’s drives and motivations, even when they are unconscious of them themselves.

The book pickings below ⬇️ are my favorite books in this genre and I read every single one of them. Stay tuned if you want to read more of the best psychology books.

Full list of must read books about psychology

The Body Keeps the Score
by Bessel van der Kolk
The Book Depository | Amazon |
Waterstones |

Vestibulum aliquam hendrerit molestie. Mauris malesuada nisi sit amet.

Tell me Who I am
by Alex and Marcus Lewis
The Book Depository | Amazon |
Waterstones |

A memoir about Alex who lost his memory and his twin brother who helps him reconstruct his dark and traumatic past.
Book reviewed by Lisanne

What Happened to You?
by Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Perry | Amazon |
Waterstones |

A bundle of personal conversations between Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Perry on trauma, resilience, and healing.

More of the best psychology books to read

When the Body Says No
by Gabor Maté
The Book Depository | Amazon |
Waterstones |

Contrary to most studies, Maté explores and explains the role of stress and one’s emotional makeup in an array of common physical diseases.

by Studs Terkel
The Book Depository | Amazon |
Waterstones |

An insightful look into the lives of ordinary people with strong and extraordinary voices.
Book reviewed by Lisanne

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