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The Hotpot is a community of savvy, curious, and intelligent readers who love to discover climate solutions, promising innovations in tech, initiatives in communities, and research projects across the globe that aim to solve specific climate problems. The reader community loves to get informed on and participate in the climate conversation and constantly searches for ways to be helpful too.

A weekly newsletter featuring one video and four of the best climate solution articles from established journalists and experts in the field.

Updated 1st Mar 2023

The Tiny Bits in Numbers



The first edition was published on January 30, 2023.

Newsletter Frequency

A newsletter sponsorship with a dedicated placement alongside premium content curated by our editorial team every other week.

Ads per issue

1 main sponsor. We deliver The Hotpot on a weekly base to guide readers toward valuable articles on climate action. The weekly digest is simple and easy to read, and we demand the same from our sponsors. So with every slot, you’re assured of being the main sponsor of the issue.

Ad placement

“This issue is sponsored by […]” as a subtitle, and an inline banner of 320×320.

The Options

A newsletter sponsorship with a dedicated placement alongside premium content curated by our editorial team every other week. We don’t include more than one sponsor, so with every slot you’re assured with being the main sponsor of the issue.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Reach out via email for info, rates, and available dates. You’ll be asked for your ad text (and link) before publication.

  • You’ll find more demographic info on top of this page.

  • I don’t supply click-through data, but if you’d like to track clicks you can create a free account.

  • Send the details of your request to team [@]

  • I don’t do cross-promotions via my newsletter because I follow the strategy to deliver the best newsletter content possible. If you happen to deliver high value content through your newsletter there is a chance I list it but not via collaboration.

    I don’t do banner advertisements on my website, no sponsored content, no partnerships. Its free from distractions and I strive to deliver the best I can.

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