The best books on climate change

Recommended Reading List

On this page: a personal selection of non-fiction books and notable articles and podcast episodes on climate change. These are the best books on climate change and climate action to read right now.

For this reading list, I’ve rounded up the top books on climate change that I was able to find. In fact, the recommended books provide insights into solutions from people or organisations to help solve climate change. From whether they are scalable, effective. If you want to receive a well-curated list of the best articles on climate change with a solution-based lens, you can sign up to our weekly newsletter called The Hotpot.

The book pickings below ⬇️ are my favourite books in this genre and I read every single one of them. Stay tuned if you want to read more of the best climate change books. 

Must read books on climate change

How to avoid a climate disaster
by Bill Gates
The Book Depository | Amazon |
Waterstones |

A road map on how to get the world to zero emissions.

Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming
by Paul Hawken
The Book Depository | Amazon |
Waterstones |

The book details a collection of realistic and actionable solutions that can enhance human health, security, and prosperity for everyone.

Should we eat meat?
by Vaclav Smil
The Book Depository | Amazon |
Waterstones |

The book addresses the consequences of the “massive carnivory” of western diets, looking at the inefficiencies of production and at the impacts on land, water, the atmosphere, and health.

More books on climate change

The value of a whale
by Adrienne Buller
The Book Depository | Amazon |
Waterstones |

Exploration of the increasingly slick, green face of capitalism in the 21st century.

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