I’ve spent a lot of time trying to collect useful wisdom that I could share in short, inspiring phrases. I hope you enjoy these quotes on leadership.
Under each inspirational quote, you can find the date it was originally posted and the source of the quote. Scroll down to browse them all.
Quotes on Leadership
Here are 10 pieces of writing wisdom from some of the greatest authors and thinkers of all time:
Child development author Joseph Chilton Pearce reminds parents (and all leaders) of an important truth:
‘What we are teaches the child far more than what we say, so we must be what we want our children to become.’
Source: Joseph Chilton Pearce in Teaching Children to Love. As featured in the Tiny Bits Newsletter.
Warren Bennis on inspiring people to do their best every day:
‘Leadership is the capacity to translate a vision into reality.’
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Last note
Thank you for reading. It’s always a pleasure to hand-pick these inspirational quotes for you. In the Tiny Bits newsletter I share a thoughtful and inspirational quote every month, as I’ve collected many of them along the way. Sign up for my newsletter if you haven’t yet.
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