Gathered here are ten hand-picked and carefully curated recommendations that might spark your curiosity this month:
A wonderful quote I’ve come across this month. Child development author Joseph Chilton Pearce reminds parents (and all leaders) of an important truth:
‘What we are teaches the child far more than what we say, so we must be what we want our children to become.’
Source: Joseph Chilton Pearce in Teaching Children to Love
Q&A: one of the reasons I love to travel is the opportunity to explore the world with the people I want to share it with. I love trekkings for that reason. In the Q&A of this month, I’ve answered a reader’s question about travelling the world, and places I’d like to go next.
What Readers Are Saying: one of the latest reviews I received from a reader for my book recommendation Lolita:
‘Nabokov’s prose is nothing short of mesmerizing. His poetic language and attention to detail brought the narrative to life in a hauntingly beautiful way. Despite the subject matter, I was spellbound by Nabokov’s ability to craft sentences that truly painted vivid images in my mind.’
— Page.
4 out of 5 stars
A documentary I’ve watched this month: The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst (Andrew Jarecki, 2015) Beautifully constructed using interviews and archive and also reenactments, the film becomes a tango between the director and the guy, as the relationship between filmmaker and subject becomes ever-more complicated.
A fascinating theme of Google’s Arts and Culture initiative: Into the Deep.
On my mind this month: in today’s world, only a few things are pursued solely for their own sake. Playing piano, writing a short story, or other leisure activities should be ends in itself, rather than means to some practical result.
I recommend checking this out: Vincent Tremeau is a photographer based in Dakar, Senegal. His work focuses on raising awareness around humanistic issues across the globe. His ongoing series of portraits – One Day, I Will, asks displaced girls living in refugee camps a single question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” The result shows us why we should make women’s empowerment a priority and promote young girls education.
Here’s the fun fact of this month: the Eiffel Tower can grow—due to thermal expansion, the iron in the tower expands, making it up to 6 inches taller in summer.
In the spotlight this month:

Collection Stadsmuseum Woerden, by Neel Korteweg
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