My secret list of banned books I loved reading

My secret list of banned books I loved reading

I’ve spend a lot of time reading. Some of the books I’ve come across over the years are books that have generated widespread acclaim in certain parts of the world. All of the books on this list have something that makes them unique, and some of them are even true pieces of art. Here’s my secret list of banned books I loved reading. Let me know in the comments what you think of the titles I’ve recommended.




by Vladimir Nabokov

The novel provides a disturbing insight into Humbert’s twisted mind, who becomes sexually obsessed with a 12-year-old girl named Dolores Daze. Upon its release in 1955, Lolita was published by a renowned pornographic press in France, and because of its controverial subject matter, it has been banned as ‘obscene’ in multiple parts for the world. For example, in France, England, Argentina and New Zealand. However, Lolita’s controversial status fueled its success, leading it to the top of best-seller lists across the globe. Some critics condemning it is morally repugnant while others praise its literary merit and psychological depth. Despite and maybe because of the controversial subject matter, I find the novel a literary masterpiece.

Find this book on Amazon, Waterstones,, or Audible.

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The Great Gatsby

by F. Scott Fitzgerald

This novel has been banned and challenged for several reasons, including its portrayal of sex, violence, adultery, and profanity. The affair between Daisy and Gatsby, Nick’s sexual language regarding Jordan Baker, a hit-and-run incident, and alcohol consumption are among the key factors behind the book’s banning. Most recently, it was banned in Alaska for its profane and sexual language, and in 1987, it faced criticism at the Baptist College of South Carolina for similar reasons. Despite these challenges, The Great Gatsby has not appeared on the American Library Association’s list of most banned books in the last 20 years.

Find this book on Amazon, Waterstones,, or Audible.

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Lord of the Flies

by William Golding

Lord of the Flies was banned and challenged in several places, particularly in the United States, due to its unsettling content. In the 1970s and 1980s, the novel faced bans in schools and libraries across states like Indiana, Ohio, and Texas, mainly for its graphic violence, profanity, and dark themes. The story, which depicts a group of boys stranded on an island who descend into savagery, includes disturbing scenes, such as the deaths of two boys and the brutal power struggles among the group. These elements, along with its exploration of human nature and the loss of innocence, led some to consider it inappropriate for young readers. The book was also challenged in places like Canada and the UK, especially in conservative or religious communities. Despite the bans, Lord of the Flies remains a widely studied and influential novel.

Find Lord Of The Flies on, Amazon, Waterstones, or Audible.

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Last note

Most of the books that were banned in the United States or elsewhere in the world, interestingly enough, all had something to do with same-sex, rape, and so forth. Most of the above-featured books were banned in certain places in the world, and it’s interesting how these disturbing books reflect back the times that we are living in. In many ways it shows us what’s considered appropriate or not. Please let me know your thoughts on the most disturbing books off all time in the comment section below. Critical thinking is encouraged. Thanks for reading!


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