The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald is one of the great American classic novels of the 20th century. It’s much more than just a love story, dealing with complex ideas about identity and The American Dream, and provides a glittering insight into life in the roaring twenties — when gangsters were celebrities and rich socialites behaved badly.

Categories: Fiction.

Awards The Great Gatsby has received:

“The Great Gatsby,” written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a classic American novel that has received numerous awards, critical acclaim, and recognition since its publication in 1925. Some of the awards and honors it has received include:

  1. Pulitzer Prize for Fiction: While “The Great Gatsby” didn’t win the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction when it was published, it has since become one of the most famous novels in American literature and is often cited as a notable omission from the list of winners that year.
  2. Modern Library’s 100 Best Novels: “The Great Gatsby” frequently appears on lists of the greatest novels of the 20th century, including being ranked second on the Modern Library’s 100 Best Novels of the 20th Century.
  3. TIME Magazine’s All-Time 100 Novels: In 2005, TIME Magazine included “The Great Gatsby” in its list of the 100 best English-language novels published since 1923.
  4. National Book Award Finalist: While it didn’t win the award, “The Great Gatsby” was a finalist for the National Book Award for Fiction in 1960.
  5. Influence and Enduring Legacy: While not an official award, the novel’s lasting impact on literature and popular culture is evident through its continued relevance, adaptation into various forms of media (including multiple film adaptations), and its study in classrooms around the world.

It’s worth noting that while “The Great Gatsby” may not have won as many contemporary awards upon its initial release, it has gained increasing recognition and accolades as time has gone on, solidifying its status as one of the most important and celebrated works of American literature.

About the author:

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, commonly known as F. Scott Fitzgerald, was an American novelist and short story writer, celebrated for his contribution to the Jazz Age and his classic novel The Great Gatsby. Here’s a brief biography of his life:

F. Scott Fitzgerald was born on September 24, 1896, in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. Fitzgerald grew up in an upper-middle-class family and showed an early interest in writing. He attended the Newman School, a Catholic preparatory school, and later enrolled at Princeton University in 1913.

While at Princeton, Fitzgerald focused more on his literary ambitions than his studies. He became friends with Edmund Wilson and John Peale Bishop, two other aspiring writers. However, he left Princeton in 1917 before graduating and joined the U.S. Army during World War I. The war ended before he was deployed overseas, and he never saw active combat.

In 1919, Fitzgerald published his debut novel, “This Side of Paradise,” which was a commercial success and brought him instant fame. The novel explored the lives and struggles of young people in post-World War I America, capturing the spirit of the era.

In 1920, Fitzgerald married Zelda Sayre, a young socialite and the love of his life. Their tumultuous relationship and extravagant lifestyle would become a hallmark of the Jazz Age. Fitzgerald’s second novel, The Beautiful and Damned (1922), further examined the excesses and disillusionment of the time.

However, it was The Great Gatsby, published in 1925, that would become Fitzgerald’s most famous work and a classic of American literature. The novel, set against the backdrop of the Roaring Twenties, explores themes of wealth, social class, and the American Dream through the enigmatic Jay Gatsby and his unrequited love for Daisy Buchanan.

Despite the novel’s critical acclaim, Fitzgerald struggled with personal and financial difficulties. His wife Zelda experienced mental health issues, and he battled alcoholism. He continued to write short stories and novels, including Tender Is the Night (1934), which drew from his own experiences and challenges in his marriage.

Fitzgerald’s writing career declined in the 1930s, and he faced financial hardships. He moved to Hollywood in the late 1930s to work as a screenwriter, hoping to earn money to support his family. He died on December 21, 1940, at the age of 44, from a heart attack.

Although he did not experience widespread recognition during his lifetime, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s work has since gained immense acclaim. His exploration of the American Dream, the excesses of the Jazz Age, and the complexities of human relationships continue to resonate with readers and scholars, making him an enduring figure in American literature.


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Asked Questions

  • The Great Gatsby is a work of fiction written by author F. Scott Fitzgerald. While the novel is inspired by the societal and cultural dynamics of the Roaring Twenties, and Fitzgerald drew on his own experiences and observations, it is not a true story. The characters and events in the novel are products of Fitzgerald’s imagination, and the book should be regarded as a fictional exploration.

  • The length of The Great Gatsby can vary depending on the edition and format. However, in a typical paperback edition, it is around 180 pages. Keep in mind that the page count may differ slightly between different printings and publishers.

  • You can watch The Great Gatsby on Amazon Prime or Apple TV.
  • The Great Gatsby was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald and was first published in 1925. The novel is set in the summer of 1922, and its narrative reflects the social and cultural dynamics of the Roaring Twenties in the United States.

  • In The Great Gatsby, the phrase “old sport” is a term of endearment that Jay Gatsby frequently uses when addressing others, particularly Nick Carraway. It is a verbal tic or affectation that Gatsby uses, perhaps as a way to sound refined or to create a persona of sophistication. The repeated use of “old sport” is one of Gatsby’s distinctive speech patterns in the novel and adds to the enigma of his character. It reflects the carefully crafted, almost theatrical nature of Gatsby’s identity and the persona he presents to others.

  • Klipspringer is a minor character in The Great Gatsby. He is a frequent guest at Gatsby’s extravagant parties and is known for his piano playing. Klipspringer becomes a symbol of the superficial and transient relationships within Gatsby’s social circle. He is often seen taking advantage of Gatsby’s hospitality without forming any deep connections. In the story, Klipspringer is the one who plays the piano when Tom Buchanan and Nick Carraway visit Gatsby’s mansion in Chapter 7. His nickname, “The Boarder,” reflects his casual and parasitic relationship with Gatsby’s lavish lifestyle.

  • The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald explores various themes, including the corruption of the American Dream, the emptiness of wealth, and the elusive nature of true love. It delves into the decadence of the 1920s Jazz Age, revealing the superficiality and moral decline beneath the glamorous facade. The novel also touches on the theme of social class and the idea that money does not guarantee happiness or fulfillment.

  • In The Great Gatsby, the clock that sits on Nick Carraway’s wall symbolizes the relentless passage of time and the inevitability of change. The clock is mentioned in Chapter 5 when Gatsby and Daisy are reunited, and its ticking becomes a notable element in the scene. The symbolism of the clock underscores the fleeting nature of Gatsby’s dream and the impossibility of recapturing the past. It reflects the larger theme of the transience of life and the illusion of Gatsby’s pursuit of an idealized version of the American Dream.

  • The Great Gatsby has been adapted into multiple film versions. The most recent and well-known adaptation was released in 2013 and directed by Baz Luhrmann. The film was primarily shot in Australia, with scenes filmed in Sydney and various locations in New South Wales. The opulent and visually striking depiction of Gatsby’s mansion and the extravagant parties captures the essence of the Roaring Twenties.

  • In The Great Gatsby, the tragic death is that of Jay Gatsby himself. Gatsby is shot and killed by George Wilson, who believes Gatsby was driving the car that struck and killed his wife, Myrtle. The novel explores themes of wealth, love, and the American Dream, culminating in Gatsby’s demise.

  • Catherine is a character in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. She is Myrtle Wilson’s sister. Catherine is briefly mentioned in the novel, and she appears at Tom Buchanan’s apartment in New York City. She is not a central character, but her presence serves to further the complex web of relationships and conflicts in the story.

  • Owl Eyes is a minor but notable character in The Great Gatsby. He is a party goer who attends Gatsby’s extravagant gatherings. Owl Eyes is particularly recognized for his keen observation and for being one of the few people who attend Gatsby’s parties for more than the spectacle.

    His significance lies in the fact that he is one of the few characters to see beyond the surface of the glamorous parties and recognize the emptiness and superficiality beneath. Owl Eyes is present in the library during Gatsby’s party in Chapter 3, where he is astonished by the authenticity of Gatsby’s book collection. This moment symbolizes the contrast between appearance and reality in the novel.

  • The Valley of Ashes in The Great Gatsby symbolizes the moral and social decay resulting from the pursuit of wealth and the American Dream. It represents the bleak consequences of unrestrained capitalism and the stark contrast between the opulence of East Egg and West Egg and the desolation of the industrial wasteland.

  • The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald has nine chapters.

  • The main character in The Great Gatsby is Jay Gatsby himself. The novel revolves around Gatsby’s enigmatic persona, his extravagant parties, and his pursuit of the American Dream. The narrative is largely seen through the eyes of Nick Carraway, who becomes entangled in Gatsby’s world.

  •  The Great Gatsby is often associated with the literary style of modernism. This style is characterized by a break from traditional narrative techniques, experimentation with time, and a focus on individual consciousness. F. Scott Fitzgerald, the author, employs vivid imagery and symbolism, reflecting the disillusionment of the post-World War I era and critiquing the American Dream.

  • The antagonist in The Great Gatsby is often considered to be Tom Buchanan. He represents the old aristocracy, embodies wealth and privilege, and stands in contrast to Jay Gatsby’s new money and social climbing. Tom’s actions and attitudes contribute to the conflicts and tragedies in the novel.

  • In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, the green light is a recurring symbol that holds significant thematic and symbolic meaning. The green light is situated at the end of Daisy Buchanan’s dock, across the bay from Jay Gatsby’s mansion. Throughout the novel, Gatsby is often seen gazing at the green light, and it comes to represent several key ideas:

    1. Unattainable Dreams and Aspirations: The green light symbolizes Gatsby’s unattainable dreams and aspirations, particularly his desire to win back Daisy. Gatsby associates the green light with his vision of a future with Daisy, and the fact that it is distant across the bay suggests the elusive and unattainable nature of his dreams.
    2. The American Dream: The green light is also a broader symbol of the American Dream itself. Gatsby, like many others during the Jazz Age, believed in the possibility of achieving success and happiness through hard work and determination. However, the green light becomes a poignant reminder that the American Dream is not always easily reachable and can be elusive.
    3. Symbol of Hope: Despite its unattainability, the green light also serves as a symbol of hope for Gatsby. It represents the optimism and belief in the possibility of a better future. Gatsby is constantly reaching out toward the light, hoping to grasp his dreams.
    4. Futility of Pursuing the Past: As the green light represents Gatsby’s longing for a past with Daisy, it becomes symbolic of the futility of trying to recreate or recapture the past. The green light’s distance and intangibility suggest that the past cannot be fully recaptured, no matter how much one desires it.

    Overall, the green light in “The Great Gatsby” is a powerful and multifaceted symbol, encapsulating themes of unattainable dreams, the American Dream, hope, and the futility of trying to recreate the past.

  • The narrator of The Great Gatsby is Nick Carraway. He is a young man from Minnesota who moves to New York in the summer of 1922 and rents a house next door to Jay Gatsby. Nick is both a participant and an observer in the events that unfold in the novel. He becomes friends with Gatsby and is also acquainted with other characters, including Tom and Daisy Buchanan.

    Nick serves as a reliable and observant narrator, providing insights into the characters and events of the story. His narrative style is reflective and often involves his judgments and perceptions of the people around him. Nick’s perspective shapes the reader’s understanding of the novel’s themes, particularly those related to the American Dream, wealth, and the moral decadence of the Jazz Age.

  • In The Great Gatsby, the American Dream is a central theme that explores the idea of success, wealth, and the pursuit of happiness in the context of the Roaring Twenties. The novel suggests that the American Dream is not always attainable and can be corrupted by materialism and the pursuit of shallow pleasures. Here are some key aspects of the American Dream as portrayed in the novel:

    1. Wealth and Social Status: In the 1920s, the American Dream was often associated with the acquisition of wealth and achieving a high social status. Characters like Jay Gatsby embody this aspect of the dream as they amass fortunes and throw extravagant parties in an attempt to gain acceptance into the upper echelons of society.
    2. Self-Improvement and Reinvention: The American Dream also involves the idea of self-improvement and the possibility of reinventing oneself. Jay Gatsby, for example, comes from a modest background and reinvents himself to become a wealthy and mysterious figure. However, the novel suggests that such reinvention is not always genuine and can be motivated by a desire to escape one’s past.
    3. Love and Fulfillment: The pursuit of love and personal fulfillment is another dimension of the American Dream in “The Great Gatsby.” For Gatsby, the dream is tied to his romantic pursuit of Daisy Buchanan. He believes that by attaining wealth and social status, he can win back Daisy and achieve a sense of fulfillment.
    4. Illusory Nature: Fitzgerald’s portrayal of the American Dream in the novel is often critical, highlighting its illusory nature. The characters, especially Gatsby, discover that the dream can be elusive, corrupted by superficiality, and ultimately unattainable. The pursuit of material success often leads to moral decay and disillusionment.
    5. The Decline of Moral Values: The novel suggests that the pursuit of the American Dream during the Jazz Age was accompanied by a decline in moral values. Characters engage in various forms of decadence, dishonesty, and unethical behavior in their pursuit of success and happiness.

    In essence, The Great Gatsby presents a complex and nuanced view of the American Dream, questioning its attainability, moral implications, and the cost of the relentless pursuit of material success.

Book Details

The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald is one of the most appreciated books by the community. Find some more details about the book in this section.

Let us know what you think


Thoughts from readers:

Worth the read

Got chills when I read this book. Love this part:

“When I put the plate down, you don’t hear a sound. When I pick up a glass, I want it to be just right. When someone says, “How come you’re just a waitress?” I say, “Don’t you think you deserve being served by me?”
– Dolores Dante, waitress.


Great reminder that everyone has a story


This book certainly shows it age

`They ask me if it’s true that when we bury somebody we dig ‘em out in four, five years and replace ‘em with another one. I tell ‘em no. When these people is buried, he’s buried here for life.`

—Elmer Ruiz, Gravedigger

It is not really accurate to call Terkel the “author” of this book. The real authors are the 133 subjects of Terkel’s interviews. Terkel serves as a stenographer and redactor, recording interviews and editing them into readable format. This is no mean feat, of course.

Lis Reader

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