Q&A: Something new I’d like to learn

Q&A: Something new I’d like to learn

Every month, I publish an answer to a reader question. Here’s a transcript of my answer to one of my favourite readers’ questions: is there something new you’d like to learn?

Aside from mastering the writing craft, I’d love to speak several languages. It has always been magical for me to speak several languages, and then be able to connect with different people and go to odd places. Right now, I obviously speak Dutch as it’s my native language. I do speak English fairly well because most of what I do is in this language. I’m also on my way to speak Spanish, and a couple of years ago I got the chance to learn Arabic as my friend is from Syria, but at this point I can’t get further than the alphabet.

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Thank you for reading. This reader’s question is part of the Ask Me Anything series. Want to ask me a question for next month? Send me your question via team@lisanneswart.com



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