Ask me anything

In this section you can find all of my answers to ask me anything questions from readers. Want to stay tuned? Sign up for the newsletter.

Q&A: What is the proportion of luck versus hard work to succeed at what we do?

Every month, I publish an answer to a reader's question. Here’s a transcript of my answer to the reader question about the role of luck versus hard work: How much…

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150 150 Lisanne Swart

Q&A: Is there a motto or principle I live by?

As busy as life can get, I aim to publish an answer to a reader’s question every month. Here’s a transcript of my answer to one of my favorite readers’…

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150 150 Lisanne Swart

Q&A: What, in my view, is the power of storytelling?

As busy as life can get, I aim to publish an answer to a reader's question every month. Here’s a transcript of my answer to one of my favorite readers’…

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150 150 Lisanne Swart

The most thought provoking questions of 2023

Every year I'd like to do an AMA roundup to answer some of your burning questions. This year insiders asked about everything from things I wondered about as a child…

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150 150 Lisanne Swart

Q&A: What is something I used to value that I don’t value anymore?

Every month, I publish an answer to a reader’s question. This time I received a question from one of my readers about whether there is something , that I used to…

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150 150 Lisanne Swart

Q&A: If I could introduce a law that applies to everyone in the world what would it be?

Here’s a transcript of my answer to a reader’s question on things that I’d like to see more of in the world.

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150 150 Lisanne Swart

Q&A: When does self-promotion feel authentic to me?

Here's a transcript of my answer to the reader's question about promoting your creative work.

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150 150 Lisanne Swart

Q&A: What is the core vision driving my blog’s content and purpose?

Here’s a transcript of my answer to the readers’ question about my vision for this blog.

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150 150 Lisanne Swart

Q&A: What types of nonfiction books do I love to read?

Here’s a transcript of my answer to the question on the type of books I prefer to read.

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150 150 Lisanne Swart

Q&A: Why ownership is everything to me?

Here’s a transcript of my answer to the question about building your own creative career.

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150 150 Lisanne Swart

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