How Creativity Is Rarely Born In Isolation, Embracing Every Stage of Life, and Why Everyone Can Give Back

How Creativity Is Rarely Born In Isolation, Embracing Every Stage of Life, and Why Everyone Can Give Back

Here are ten hand-picked and carefully curated recommendations to give you an uplifting dose of monthly wisdom, and inspiration:



Salvador Dalí on how creativity is not about reinventing the wheel, but about building on the foundations laid by those who came before us:

‘Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing.’

Source: Salvador Dalí in Dali by Dali. Translated from the French by Eleanor R. Morse, Chapter: The Futuristic Dali, Quote Page 137, Harry N. Abrams, New York. 



Q&A: In the Q&A of this month, I answered a reader’s question about motorcycling and how I would describe the feeling of riding a motorbike.



An observation that’s been on my mind this month: let kids be kids. Let them play with toys, let them act weird, let them fail. Most of all, let them explore and embrace every stage of life or they may grow into adults who struggle with being themselves.



What Readers Are Saying: one of the latest reviews I received from a reader for my book recommendation The Great Gatsby:

‘I have to say, The Great Gatsby hits differently every time I read it. The first time, I was in college, and I kind of missed the depth of it all. I saw Gatsby as this hopeless romantic, chasing Daisy, and I didn’t really get why it was such a big deal. But now it’s like I’m seeing it with new eyes, especially now that I understand the weight of chasing a dream that’s just out of reach.

Gatsby, for me, isn’t just after a woman—he’s after a dream that doesn’t even exist anymore. His whole life is built on this fantasy, this perfect moment with Daisy that he can never relive. It’s heartbreaking when you realize he’s spent all this time trying to recapture something that was never really his. I think that’s what resonates with me now. We all have our own versions of that ‘perfect moment’ we want to chase, but sometimes, it’s just not meant to be. It’s a tough lesson, but it’s so real.

What I love about The Great Gatsby is how it quietly explores our desires and ambitions, and what can happen when we blindly pursue them. It’s a reminder that some dreams are better left in the past.’ (4 out of 5 stars)

— Gayle



A fun fact I discovered this month: Sea otters hold hands while sleeping—they do this to avoid drifting apart in the water.



The Strangers Project. Read just a few one-page stories and you’ll see why I find this fascinating. Here are the basics from the website: “Do you ever see a stranger and wonder… ‘What’s it like being you?’ I’ve been asking that question for the past fourteen years and have received more than 85,000 hand-written, true, and anonymous answers.”



Something new and special: It’s official! After months of planning, brainstorming, and anticipation, The Tiny Bookclub is now live on Instagram and I couldn’t be more thrilled to share this journey with you.



Why we don’t need to become rich and famous to give back. Read the full article over here.



Eckhart Tolle, tapes prisons.




Thanks for reading. You can get more recommendations in my Tiny Bits newsletter. Each month, I share 10 valuable things that make you think and feel inspired. Sign up to receive my email newsletter now.




150 150 Lisanne Swart
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