This book outlines a method for fostering gentle communication and solving conflicts. The principles of Nonviolent Communication include expressing oneself honestly while also empathically listening to others. It is about observing without judgment, identifiying and expressing feelings, recognizing needs, and making clear requests. Through these practices NVC aims to create a deeper understanding and connection between individuals, ultimately leading to more harmonious and effective interactions.

Categories: Non-fiction


San Francisco Workshop.

Asked Questions:

  • The four components are:

    1. Observation: Clearly and objectively describing what you observe in a situation, without adding any judgments or evaluations. For example, instead of saying, “You never clean the house,” you would say, “I noticed you didn’t clean the house after the agreed time.”
    2. Feelings: Expressing how you feel in relation to what you have observed. This involves identifying your emotions rather than your thoughts. For example, “I feel frustrated when the house is a mess after the agreed time.”
    3. Needs: For example, “I need a clean house because then I’m able to relax”.
    4. Requests: For example, “Could you let me know if you’re not able to make it next time so I can ask someone else to do it instead?”

    These components help foster empathy, understanding, and constructive communication in relationships.

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